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Our Stories

110 No-Waste Stories — and Counting

Scroll through the stories that have been submitted by members of our community. They are sorted according to the 7 facets of the No-Waste Mindset so you can find what’s most relevant to you.  (You can also access the stories from the drop-down menu under “+NoWaste Mindset-Stories and Tips” on the main blue nav bar on the website. )

Then, consider submitting your own story of how you are reducing waste at home or professionally.  Learn how HERE.

Greener Grads Biz Takes Graduation Gowns Back for Reuse

Seth Yon's Greener Grads business, launched in 2014, helps grads keep gowns out of landfills — and into a reuse stream where they can be worn up to 15 times before repurposing.
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Patagonia worn wear

WeHateToWaste Salutes Patagonia Worn Wear

The new Patagonia Worn Wear campaign is an initiative after our waste-hating hearts. It's built around high quality clothes that are made to last, and the stories being told about them by people who live quality lives.
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